Wednesday, September 28, 2011
This picture is pretty self explanatory, that's a whole lot of meds. Well, actually there is a lot to say but none of it makes any sense due to the fact that pills from each of the above bottles are in my body. So, I will keep this short and won't be updating my blog until I can complete a coherent thought. Why so many meds you ask? Depending on which doctor you ask (I've seen three) I either have three herniated discs or one herniated disc and two dead discs or three bulging discs in my back. All I know is that the pain that I have been experiencing over the last week is way worse than drug free child labor. No joke. But, once the lovely medley of vicodin, valium, flexeril, ibuprofen and tiger balm hits my system I have no pain, barely know who I am and apparently I become very entertaining. Awesome. Did I mention I am sleeping on my husband's hunting cot due to the fact that anything soft aggravates my back?!? Awesome. Anyhoo, I would like to thank my superhuman husband for singlehandly keeping me alive (and pain free) over the last week.
So, until I am off the meds and able to sit for longer than a few minutes at a time this blog will sound like crickets...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Jameson Turns #3!
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Getting ready to blow out his candles! |
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Talking with Scoutie about cupcakes. |
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Then eating them... |
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Opening presents. Sweet Bearcats hat! |
Brett singlehandly got ready for this party. Shopping, cooking, decorating, etc. Go Brett! The night before I was useless on the couch adding things like Ferrets to the list of things to do. Don't ask. Like I said, sensitive to meds. As far as I know, Jameson had a blast at his Spiderman themed party and we loved filling our house with family and friends, as always. Thank you to everyone that came and helped him ring in year number three!
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Big Bad Baby Emmett chillin' at the party! |
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The Daly's w/Baby Kellan. |
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Lindsay w/borrowed Baby Kellan. |
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Brooklyn "kissing" (?) Baby Kellan...more like sniffing. |
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Spiderman and Daddy. |
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Jameson w/the Bug Vacuum. |
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Two beauties, Maureen and Baby Maeve (Emmett's future wife). |
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Baby Kellan putting the moves on Maeve. He better watch it! |
Monday, September 19, 2011
Lunch w/My Gram
My Grandma is nothing like yours, I can guarantee it. I am fully comfortable stating this because my Gram is like no one else I know. You'd think she was in her 20's. Dating, traveling, fine dining, high fashion. The list goes on. So, naturally, I love to catch-up with her over lunch and we always pad enough time around our lunch dates to do a little shopping, our mutual favorite activity. Now that I have three kids the lunches have become less frequent so when we do carve out time to meet, it is such a treat for me. I never eat out or shop with three little toddlers! :)
Today we met up at Macy's for a little pre-lunch shopping where I found an adorable sweater and sweatshirt...I had to finally admit that Fall has arrived. Once we were done there we headed over to our favorite spot, The Nordstrom Grill but it was packed so we headed up the escalator to our second fave, the Nordstrom Cafe. We talked about how she was working with an interior decorator to help come up with the perfect plan for Mike's, her "boyfriend's", (I know, Gram, that is such a weird term to use but I can't come up with another one.) new penthouse condo in downtown Bellevue, intermingled with what we did over the summer and what activities the kids had coming up. It all came to an end too soon and I could have shopped all day but after we were finished lunching we headed back to our cars.
It was such a fun break from my spit-up filled life and made me feel like a real adult for a bit. Thanks Gram!
Today we met up at Macy's for a little pre-lunch shopping where I found an adorable sweater and sweatshirt...I had to finally admit that Fall has arrived. Once we were done there we headed over to our favorite spot, The Nordstrom Grill but it was packed so we headed up the escalator to our second fave, the Nordstrom Cafe. We talked about how she was working with an interior decorator to help come up with the perfect plan for Mike's, her "boyfriend's", (I know, Gram, that is such a weird term to use but I can't come up with another one.) new penthouse condo in downtown Bellevue, intermingled with what we did over the summer and what activities the kids had coming up. It all came to an end too soon and I could have shopped all day but after we were finished lunching we headed back to our cars.
It was such a fun break from my spit-up filled life and made me feel like a real adult for a bit. Thanks Gram!
Friday, September 16, 2011
A Freakin' Sticker
Yesterday I sat Big Bad Baby Emmett down in his highchair for dinner because he was starving and after I spooned in one tiny spoonful of rice cereal he unleashed the loudest, most animalistic scream that has ever come out of him. He followed it with tears and ripping at his eyes and ears. He was actually 100% normal until that first bite so I leaned in to see if his forehead was hot and that is when he unleashes scream number two. Jameson ran in from the playroom and said, "Stop it Big Bad Baby Emmett, that hurts my ears." This confirmed that it was indeed THAT loud. I grabbed Emmett out of the high chair just in time for him to throw up ALL over me. I was totally caught off guard because moments before everything was fine. Jameson ran for cover...far, far away. Brett was at soccer practice with Brooklyn so it was just me and the barf monster. So, I set him on the ground and tilted him forward so he could get the barf out. It was then that he looked at me with these helpless, teary eyes and started gagging but not throwing up. Lots of in breaths, not a lot of out. I finger swept his mouth once, twice and felt nothing. At this point I was getting panicky because he looked totally scared. I had Jameson grab my phone and I called Brett to walk him through the situation and while on the phone it got much, much worse. Emmett was only taking breaths in and then gagging, gagging, gagging. I hung up with Brett and told him if he didn't start breathing fully I'd call 911. I picked Emmett up, laid him face down on my forearm and started hitting him on the back because I thought he might be choking, not just randomly throwing up out of nowhere. Hitting brought on lots more puke. Fountains of puke. I know, so gross. Jameson actually checked in at this point only to yell, "So GROSS!" and hot step back out of the room. Then, the scary part. Emmett started really choking. No breathing, just choking. I finger swept, again. Nothing. It was hard, but I then gave him a really hard whack on the back and he gave a really hard cough, gag, cough, loooong gag and what appeared on my carpet, a freakin' metallic sailboat sticker. Emmett and I looked at each other, both shaking and crying, and I started to laugh (hysteria, I am pretty sure it's called hysteria) and just held his barf soaked body and we cried and cried. He was so helpless and scared. And I was too for that matter. Apparently every once in awhile parents need a reminder that they are completely and utterly helpless. Ugh.
Lesson here is to brush up on your choking regimen. Luckily EMT Brett has gone over it with me plenty of times so in my moment of panic my memory took over on autopilot. I mean, everything happens for a reason, right? Therefore, I impart choking regimen wisdom to all the parents of infants out there:
I don't know if it is the best guide but it is better than nothin'.
Lesson here is to brush up on your choking regimen. Luckily EMT Brett has gone over it with me plenty of times so in my moment of panic my memory took over on autopilot. I mean, everything happens for a reason, right? Therefore, I impart choking regimen wisdom to all the parents of infants out there:
I don't know if it is the best guide but it is better than nothin'.
Hang Gliding
Me: Good Morning Jameson!
Jameson: (Runs out of his room with his arms up) For my birthday, I go hang gliding.
Me: I don't think so.
Jameson: Don't freak out Mommy. I will wear sunglasses.
Oh good, sunglasses. What a little goofball! Now he won't stop talking about hang gliding. Well, hang gliding and a bug vacuum. But he will only use the bug vacuum to suck up mosquitoes, not butterflies. Where do they pick these things up?!?
Jameson: (Runs out of his room with his arms up) For my birthday, I go hang gliding.
Me: I don't think so.
Jameson: Don't freak out Mommy. I will wear sunglasses.
Oh good, sunglasses. What a little goofball! Now he won't stop talking about hang gliding. Well, hang gliding and a bug vacuum. But he will only use the bug vacuum to suck up mosquitoes, not butterflies. Where do they pick these things up?!?
Big Bad Baby Emmett's 10 Months
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As you can see...he is still a nudist. |
I actually sucked in a big breath of air when I looked at the calendar and saw that Big Bad Baby Emmett was 10 months old. How could he be ten months old?!? I am not okay with this. I am not sure if it is because we are in the "double digits" now or it's because he is losing his baby-ness. He likes to hold his own bottle, finally started eating some finger foods without instantly choking and is so close to walking. Sigh. He loves to "cruise" on the furniture and is always popping up in unexpected the back of the couch. Still has those giant hands...
He is still growing lots and lots of mysterious white blonde the back of his head. The top has seemed to stop growing and is shaping up to be in a lovely Eddie Munster front comb unless I can swoop it to the side for at least a more appropriate comb over. We are hoping this month brings more length to the top. What is also weird about his hair is that the top is stick straight and the back is super curly...should be interesting as it gets longer. I am thinking curly mullet. Jokes, really. He'll probably have a buzz cut like older bro Jameson.
He is down to about three bottles a day and takes about an hour morning nap (if we are home) and a three hour afternoon nap. He is still my happy big little least, when he is not cutting teeth, which he now has eight. Two came in within 24-hours, that made for a fun day!
He is still just talking baby language with lots of da, da, da, ba, da, ga, ba, da, etc. In the morning we wake up to him practicing these "words" in all different octaves and then laughing at himself. I love listening in the monitor for a minute before I go and get him up for the day. What a goofball!
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His fav spot - inside the dishwasher. |
I am already missing all things "baby" about him but am excited to see where his toddlerhood takes us. I see a lot of Brooklyn's feisty, stubborn ways in him but he is also super goofy like Jameson. I think it will make for the perfect combo.
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He also finally mastered the sippy cup! |
No weight/height stats for you. We'll be back to see Dr. Low in November for his one year check. Ugh, he'll be one! That freaks me out. Til' Then!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
First Soccer Game
On the 10th, Brooklyn had her first soccer game. We were over the mountains at a wedding so we missed it but Grandma and Papa (Brett's parents) were gracious enough to take her to her first game. Thank you! She scored a goal and immediately went in to her token double fist pump celebration. It was a hot day so she tried to sneak off the field several times but Grandma made sure that she got right back on the field.
Go Yellow Lions!
Go Yellow Lions!
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Thanks for taking pictures Lynn! |
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Group huddle. |
On the iconic 9/10/11 my BFF (such a immature term but it's true!) Jessica got hitched in a picturesque country chic style wedding. Having grown up with her, we've been friends since we were four, I had been to the wedding destination countless times. In the beginning it was for birthday slumber parties at Grammy Doll's with a side of peanut butter and marshmallow toast. In the middle it was for camping by the river and talking about boys but never actually talking to boys. In college it was where we would meet up to party with our high school friends and our new college ones. And now it is where we escape to relax and let my kids get froggy fingers in Pauldo's pool. If you haven't caught on, it's the perfect place.
Pictures? Well, being that I was a bridesmaid in the country affair I left my camera behind because I figured I would be shuffling back and forth between Auntie Caren's house, Paul and Viv's and the Barn countless times...and I lose everything so I simplified. (Hey, anyone seen my bouquet?) And, trust me, words cannot describe the beauty that the day provided. The day, the dress, the stunning bride. Aw-inspiring.
I arrived on Friday, the 9th, to help set-up for the big day and to later feast on a delicious buffet of meat products BBQ'd up by the groom, Brett (her own, not mine), and one of his Groomsmen, Spencer, for the rehearsal dinner. Us Renton girls love us some meat! Brisket, ribs, a roast, meat, meat, meat. After we all were full to the brim Jessica and Brett presented us all with gifts and some lovely words...i.e. Jessica speeches. :) Us bridesmaid's received the family cherished and rare Ellensburg Blue necklaces. Each had a Blue in it but was set in a setting that reminded Jess of us. Super sweet. The whole evening was a great way to kick off the weekend.
Saturday we arrived at Auntie Caren's at 9:00 a.m. for mimosa's, breakfast burritos, music and beautifying. Jessica looked too good for words. I literally can't think of the perfect word. She was beaming, sparkling and stunning. After we were all make-i-fied we took some pics and were happy we all had our hair off our backs cause it was the "hottest day of the year." Literally. A little blotting and we were ready for the ceremony.
Jessica and Brett personalized the ceremony to accentuate their personalities and it was a perfect fit. We wrapped the ceremony up and got ready for a Ramquist Italian Buffet that was sooo good. Dancing followed by some perfect karaoke by both Jessica and her Dad, Paul. Fabulousness.
This is where things get a little might be thinking, geeze you drank too much? Nope. I was avoiding the alcohol because all day I had felt a little funny. I chalked it up to maybe a little dehydration or heat stroke but around 10:00 p.m. things started wrapping up and Jess and Brett headed off to Suncadia to kick off their Honeymoon. We headed down to our tent by the river and after about an hour of full body chills I told Brett to tear down the tent, I needed to go home. We made it to Cle Elum and I told him I was too sick to go on. We sat at the stop sign contemplating driving to E-burg for the hospital (my fever was raging by now) or just sleep it off at a cheap motel we could find a room in. Cheap motel won. I shook and had cold sweats all night. We loaded ourselves in to the car in the morning, got home and I slept for two days. Ugh, the flu SUCKS. So, it was a terrible end to a perfect day for me but I am so glad that my BFF picked the perfect date and had the perfect day. I hope their lives together continue down the path that they started on 9/10/11. Cheers to the Rafuse's!
Ooo, I stole a picture off of one of the other bridesmaid's blog of us before I came down with the flu:
Once Jess has her pictures up on her blog, I will direct you there so you can feast your eyes on some awesomeness.
Pictures? Well, being that I was a bridesmaid in the country affair I left my camera behind because I figured I would be shuffling back and forth between Auntie Caren's house, Paul and Viv's and the Barn countless times...and I lose everything so I simplified. (Hey, anyone seen my bouquet?) And, trust me, words cannot describe the beauty that the day provided. The day, the dress, the stunning bride. Aw-inspiring.
I arrived on Friday, the 9th, to help set-up for the big day and to later feast on a delicious buffet of meat products BBQ'd up by the groom, Brett (her own, not mine), and one of his Groomsmen, Spencer, for the rehearsal dinner. Us Renton girls love us some meat! Brisket, ribs, a roast, meat, meat, meat. After we all were full to the brim Jessica and Brett presented us all with gifts and some lovely words...i.e. Jessica speeches. :) Us bridesmaid's received the family cherished and rare Ellensburg Blue necklaces. Each had a Blue in it but was set in a setting that reminded Jess of us. Super sweet. The whole evening was a great way to kick off the weekend.
Saturday we arrived at Auntie Caren's at 9:00 a.m. for mimosa's, breakfast burritos, music and beautifying. Jessica looked too good for words. I literally can't think of the perfect word. She was beaming, sparkling and stunning. After we were all make-i-fied we took some pics and were happy we all had our hair off our backs cause it was the "hottest day of the year." Literally. A little blotting and we were ready for the ceremony.
Jessica and Brett personalized the ceremony to accentuate their personalities and it was a perfect fit. We wrapped the ceremony up and got ready for a Ramquist Italian Buffet that was sooo good. Dancing followed by some perfect karaoke by both Jessica and her Dad, Paul. Fabulousness.
This is where things get a little might be thinking, geeze you drank too much? Nope. I was avoiding the alcohol because all day I had felt a little funny. I chalked it up to maybe a little dehydration or heat stroke but around 10:00 p.m. things started wrapping up and Jess and Brett headed off to Suncadia to kick off their Honeymoon. We headed down to our tent by the river and after about an hour of full body chills I told Brett to tear down the tent, I needed to go home. We made it to Cle Elum and I told him I was too sick to go on. We sat at the stop sign contemplating driving to E-burg for the hospital (my fever was raging by now) or just sleep it off at a cheap motel we could find a room in. Cheap motel won. I shook and had cold sweats all night. We loaded ourselves in to the car in the morning, got home and I slept for two days. Ugh, the flu SUCKS. So, it was a terrible end to a perfect day for me but I am so glad that my BFF picked the perfect date and had the perfect day. I hope their lives together continue down the path that they started on 9/10/11. Cheers to the Rafuse's!
Ooo, I stole a picture off of one of the other bridesmaid's blog of us before I came down with the flu:
Once Jess has her pictures up on her blog, I will direct you there so you can feast your eyes on some awesomeness.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Today we sent Ms. Brooklyn off to Pre-K. She is at Monroe Christian School again this year and actually has the same teachers as last year, Mrs. Jansons and Mrs. Haymond. So, she wasn't nervous at all. She was psyched! However, her class size tripled from seven to twenty-one so that was a bit of an adjustment. We miss her now that she is gone Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. It's just the boys and me! :)
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Jameson squeeze! |
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Tree pose reflection time. |
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They are such little weirdos. |
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She's ready to go! |
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Backpack put away! |
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Her seat! |
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Soooo excited. |
Monday, September 5, 2011
Tour of Fairs
We love Fairs! We wrapped our summer up by attending the Kitsap County Fair on the 26th and the Evergreen State Fair on the 1st. They were both great fun! We ate the essential fair foods, the kids rode some sweet rides and we saw lots and lots of animals.
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On the ferry to the Kitsap Fair...he spots firehose. Duh. |
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Big Bad Baby Emmett! |
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In jail. Wah, wah. |
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Brett wasn't so excited about this photo op. |
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Jameson was very serious. |
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A ladder truck. Oooooh. |
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Lookin' up the ladder with Dad. |
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Checkin' out a turkey with Grandma. |
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Evergreen State Fair with the Bowden's and Papa and Mimi. |
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Baby Cow. |
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Scoutie loved the Baby Cow. |
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Brooklyn wanted a picture of the Baby Cow's bottle. |
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Baby Goat. There's a theme. They only liked the babies. |
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Brooklyn "smiling" by her teachers' sheep. |
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Baby Emmett! |
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More baby animals! |
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Checking out the piggies. |
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Jameson was sooo excited. |
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Happy Birthday Stryker! |
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Scoutie was also soooo excited. |
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He perked up! |
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The big slide was a HUGE hit. |
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They would fly down it. |
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Here comes Jameson! |
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So happy. |
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Auntie Melissa w/Emmett...sneaky Emmett stole her earring! |
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Their favorite ride, the BOING car. All it did was bounce and say BOING. |
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