Monday, April 11, 2011

Landmines and Mobile Duck Buffet

This morning I completed my third 5K training run.  I use the term "run" very loosely.  I did finish and I did run (jog) almost 90% of the time.  I seem to have contracted Emmett's "whooping cough" i.e. cold, so my chest was a little achy and my nose was like a faucet.  I despise excuses so instead I got furious.  I didn't know I had this kind of anger in me.

Let me back up a bit.  When I started my training I started on the treadmill and dreaded every loud, angry stride.  It was so unnatural for my already unnatural gait.  Picture all arms and legs.  After getting really frustrated my trainer (Brett) suggested running around the lake across the street from the gym.  I was skeptical but ended up really liking it.  Training outside made it much more enjoyable.  For instance, if you run in the morning, just after it has rained, you are presented with the challenge of dodging landmines.  Landmines are all of the worms, snails and slugs that coat the path.  On training run two, there were an unusually large amount of landmines on lap one.  Lap two I started to notice a decrease in the number of landmines.  Hmm.  I glance up and see that I am now following a mobile duck buffet.  Ducks are in a row covering the entire path eating every slimy creature that they find.  As I approach, they part just enough for me to squeeze through and then fill in the gap as soon as I am past.  Mmm, mobile duck buffet.

Wow, I am a little distracted this evening.  Back to the training update.  Today the run was less than enjoyable.  My legs felt like they weighed five hundred pounds and I couldn't catch my breath.  I guess that is what happens when you get the stomach flu twice in one month.  Anyhoo, today I found out when I can't push myself to not stop running I get furious.  FURIOUS.  When I had to take a breather today I told my trainer that I wanted to start hurling the ducks.  I was blind with rage.  Don't worry, I didn't touch the ducks.   I hope my next training run is a little less full of anger.

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