Seven months has flown by since Baby Emmett joined our fam. SEVEN MONTHS. These months went by so fast that I didn't even notice this fact until Monday. As in, this Monday the 20th. I know, I know. Third child syndrome. Or, maybe it was because I felt like a crap sandwich last week and then spent the weekend running and recovering from the run and the day full of rain. exEither way, I still managed to snap a few pictures of our cutie w/the token seven month sign. I love how redneck I am. Yes, that is crayon. I couldn't find a pen. Awesome.
Bug eyed flash face. |
Seven months brought a few milestones for Emmett. First, he is really, really trying to crawl. He had been sticking to tumbleweeding as a mode of transportation up until the last few weeks. Now he pops up on to all fours and rocks back and forth. He follows that sweet move by falling to his tummy and "swimming." I could barely capture the rocking with the camera and am still working on capturing the swim.
Proof that he is almost crawling. This is rocking. |
Emmett also celebrated his seven month birthday by getting his own room. Up until now his cozy home was our closet. Hold the jokes people and don't call CPS yet. Our closet was the size of the kids rooms in the old Fall City house so it was far from child abuse. I think he actually misses his cozy little bungalow because he has been waking up at night the last few days. Dare I say it? I actually don't mind getting up with him. I know he is our last so I spend a little extra time in there with him propped up on my shoulder and we rock cheek-to-cheek. I love those cheekies. See, no child abuse here.
I love his chubby little profile. |
Are you wondering how Emmett got promoted to his own room? Well, the big kids now share a room. We figured since they spent their evenings talking under their respective doors to eachother we might as well put them together. So far the transition has been better than I expected. It took them two hours to fall asleep the first two days and only 50 minutes tonight. Progress. They even will nap in there together if I sit in there until they fall asleep. So, that is why the blog has been lean again. I am monitoring our new room situations. Oh joy!
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Baby toes! |
Seven months also brought drool. I think I have been blaming teething for many things over the last months but maybe this really is a sign that he is starting to teethe. Cause there is a lot of drool. He also has come down with his first runny nose. He has had colds in the past, but nothing like the drainage we are dealing with the last couple of days. I know, between the drool and runny nose he is gooey these days. Ew.
He gets clothes on, rolls away from the camera and eats the sign. |
He gives me this sick feeling in my stomach, that's how cute he is. :)