Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cabin Fever

Please excuse me while I whine for a bit.  You see I have been trapped in this house for two weeks now.  If you remember from my petri dish post, we started with a case of croup followed by pink eye for all the kids.  The pink eyes cleared up, we had a brief break in illness on Saturday and went to Brooklyn's soccer game and a baby shower.  Sunday morning Emmett spiked a fever of 103.5 that wouldn't all.  He was lethargic and when he wasn't lethargic he was a hot mess.  Crying, crying and crying.  Sprawling out on all surfaces in tears.  It was miserable to see.  Monday his fever spiked to 104.6 so I loaded him up in the car and headed to the doctor.  They instantly thought it was pneumonia so we were off to that same horrific baby x-ray contraption that he had already experienced as a tiny baby.  After stuffing his ham-hocks into the tiny baby leg holes he was inconsolable.  I would be too.  X-ray finished, he konked out in to slumber in my arms (hasn't happened since he was a newborn) on the way to the car.  Doctor calls, no pneumonia.  She thinks it might be the seasonal flu and is comfortable writing a prescription for Tamiflu with no further testing.  I'm crazy (no shock there) so I drive him back to the doctor for the nasal swab (Brett took him in this time, my nerves were frayed) that goes halfway to his brain to test for flu.  Negative.  No flu.  At this point it is a mystery.  We are put on watch until Thursday.  Tuesday, fever and crying.  Wednesday, fever and crying.  Thursday, no fever and full body rash.  Ah, I see, it was roseala combined with teething (four more new teeth coming in) and a cold.  I too would be miserable.  So, today there was much less crying but a whole lot of "baby scratching."  Babies, toddlers, whatever, don't really know how to scratch yet so he would just back up to chairs, walls, etc. and try to get the itching to go away.  It was pretty adorable...and yet still miserable to watch.  Poor guy.  I am hoping tomorrow the rash is gone and my happy little guy is back.  I am not sure how much more this Momma can handle.

On a good note, I haven't even noticed the time change this time around.  It usually is a nightmare but in comparison to the week we've had, it's nothing!  :)

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