Friday, April 20, 2012

Red Light

Monday was a rough day for Brooklyn.  Her Pre-K class operates on a green, yellow and red light system.  As in, if you are good, you stay on green.  Make a bad choice, move to yellow.  Choose to not correct that bad choice, move to red.  Red = timeout.  You have to earn your way back to green.  Well, on Monday Bink went from green to yellow to red, back to green, back to yellow, back to red.  This will happen if you punch a boy and kiss a boy all in one three hour day.

Yep, our little sweeties first bad choice was to punch one of her male classmates.  Punch.  We tried so hard to get her to tell us why she made that choice.  It is still a mystery and it appears that it will stay that way.  And, yes, the boy retaliated with a punch to Brooklyn's gut.  I guess I can write down her first fist fight in her baby book at age five.  Way dramatic, but don't you worry we had a serious talk about fighting/punching with her on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you get the point.

As for the kissing, her teacher said that Brooklyn wanted to play "wedding" with her male classmate.  The teacher said she tried to get Brooklyn to stop kissing her classmate and Bink refused so, back to red, back in timeout.  Her teacher summed it up by saying that Brooklyn had a somewhat rebellious day.

Geez.  After pulling myself up from feeling like a complete failure in the parenting department it became a little bit funny.  Just a little bit.  I unpacked Brooklyn's bag to boarding school and decided that it isn't that bad.  Her behavior slightly mirrors my older sister Melissa as a child (don't deny know it's true!) and, well, Melissa rocks.  

Talk about a rough day.  For her and for us, the parents.  I have said it before but this parenting business is not easy.

1 comment:

  1. "Well-behaved women rarely make history." ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    Scout and Brooklyn will rule the world.
