Monday, May 21, 2012

Big E's 18 Month Check

Today I took Emmett in for his 18 month check-up and surprise, surprise, he's still huge.  His stats are as follows:
Height: 35 1/2 inches
Weight:  32 lbs. 9 oz.
Head Circumference:  20 inches

Huge.  The doctor said he is easily the size of an above average two year old, as is.  Retirement sealed.  I can't wait to watch him as a linebacker for the Seahawks.  Go, Big, E!  He still only says a handful of words: bye bye, hi, hello, uh-oh and wow.  The doctor isn't concerned because he will respond to anything you say and clearly understands what he is told to do and/or not do.  That there brain is working.  He actually talks non-stop...we just have no clue what the hell he is saying.  Nonstop.  We clearly don't speak the same language.  He will make direct eye contact with you and rattle off forever all while looking at you like he is saying, "you getting all this?"  We love to keep prompting him by saying, "then what happened?"  He will then keep his story going on and on and on.  It's pretty adorable.  He loves to dance.  He really has taken a liking to reggae.  Again, adorable.  Here is a short video of some of his sweet dance moves the Krache original "Pop That Baby Out":

Emmett still has a head full of wavy, white blonde hair.  We are actually growing it out a bit right now to see how curly it actually is.  He is still wearing 2T pants and 2T/3T size shirts.  He would wear size 3T pants but they are WAY too long.  He finally loves shoes.  The first thing he wants to put on when he comes downstairs in the morning are his shoes.  Minutes after waking up from nap, he'll bring me his shoes to put on.  Pretty funny.  He still loves to laugh and his cute dimple is constantly plastered on his cheek.  He is busy, busy, busy.  From the moment he wakes up in the morning until he goes down for his three hour nap at 12:30 p.m. he is nonstop active.  Then the fun picks right back up at 3:30 p.m. until he is tucked back in at 7:00 p.m.  Makes for very easy nap/bedtimes.

Emmett has also become quite obsessed with Brett.  He has always lit up whenever Brett came home after his shifts but lately it as if it is Christmas morning every time Brett opens the door, enters the room, comes back downstairs after being upstairs for a few minutes.  He laughs so loud and yells what we think is Emmett's version of, "Hi Da Da!"  It's a lot of yelling so we aren't too sure on his intent.  We are clear on the fact that he sure loves his Daddy.

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