Bink and Her Tooth Fairy Pillow. |
Brooklyn has had a wiggly tooth (bottom, front right) for a few weeks now and today, as soon as Brett walked in the door, it popped right out. Now, of course, it did not happen quite that simply because, well, we are the Krache's. I shit you not (excuse my French), this is how it happened.
This morning Brooklyn woke up the entire house (minus Brett - he was at work) at 6 a.m. She flung all doors open while exclaiming, "It's suuuuuuuuuuny!" I was excited too, but didn't quite have her gusto at 6 a.m. After I could fully wake up we all started to get ready to go to the zoo. It was a cluster of mass chaos with a side of cranky. After I had broken up half a dozen toddler vs. baby fights, Brett opened the front door while Brooklyn simultaneously took a digger straight into a blanket in the TV room. She laid there for a minute and then
shot straight up, face ghost white, and yelled, "Mother, come quick, I've lost a tooth!" A quote straight from the tooth fairy book we have been reading. I look to congratulate her and then she spies it, the blood on the tooth. She screams and chucks the tooth in to the air. Far. I am pretty sure the fact that she knocked the tooth out instead of letting it come out when it was ready made for a lot more blood. A lot. She is terrified of blood. Once she calmed down, and Brett got the bleeding to stop, it dawned on her that she no longer had the actual tooth to put in her tooth fairy pillow. So, at this point she was laughing and crying at the same time. She was so excited that the tooth fell out but devastated that it was GONE. So, we started in the corner of the room and backed our way out looking for a tiny tooth in tooth colored carpet. Super fun. After half and hour we decided that it could wait. We were late to the zoo and needed to get on the road to meet our friends.
Before we left she wanted to call Mimi to tell her that she
finally lost her tooth. As she was talking to Mimi she started sobbing again. This time she was crying because her tooth, that she so carefully brushed every day, would not be able to go in the Hall of Perfect Teeth...also from the book we've been reading. So, we wrapped up the phone call and calmed her down again.
We made it to the zoo and had a blast. So much so that all the kids fell asleep before we were back on the freeway. Ah. Ah, as in deep, relaxing sigh.
It was a warmish day and all the animals were super active. We also loved seeing Meggy Moo with Baby Sawyer and Dee Dee with Baby Cooper. Thanks for joining us gals and babies!
The minute we got home the tooth hunt was back on. Brooklyn was determined. Our usual, easily distracted girl was on a mission. She kept mumbling under her breath, "never give up, never give up." Then, she jumped up and exclaimed, "I FOUND IT!" We immediately tucked it in the tooth fairy pillow and put it up on the mantle until bedtime. Story over, right? Not so much.
At bedtime she carried the pillow upstairs, put it on her couch and went in to pick out some jammi's. I went in to help Jameson brush his teeth and when I came back, she looked devastated. She had lost the tooth again. No joke. Apparently she wanted to see it one more time and dropped it, in her long curly pink throw rug. With some help from Brett we found it faster than the last time it was lost. We decided then that the tooth fairy would be able to easily find the pillow OUTSIDE Brooklyn's room. Once the kids were tucked in for the night Brooklyn would shout out a command every few minutes. "Mommy, make sure to open a window for the tooth fairy!" "Mommy, you might want to leave the back door open for the tooth fairy!" "Mommy, has the tooth fairy come yet?" This lasted for about an hour until it finally sunk in, after I told her for the 100th time, that the tooth fairy would not come unless she was asleep. Whew.
Who knew losing a front tooth could make for such a long winded story?!? Me, that's who. I have coped with the fact that anything that happens in this family will never be simple. It sure keeps us on our toes!
Trying for a Daddy pic at the zoo... |
...the kids were not so in to it... |
...as you can see. |