Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Big E’s 2 Year Check

Yes.  He is two years old.  I was in such denial that I totally forgot to schedule his two year appointment on time so I just went in this morning to see Dr. Morris.  His regular pediatrician is out on maternity leave and I have to say, Dr. Morris was great!  She, like everyone who meets Emmett for the first time, was astonished by his size.  After quick measurements she determined that he is gigantic, duh, but perfectly proportionate.  He is right on track for language and all other developmental stages (he can jump off the ground with both feet at the same time – important stuff you know.  J).  He is talking non-stop and is saying a lot more actual words.  He has very good manners and will thank you for everything from giving him is milk to changing his diaper.  As for his stats: height - 36.7 (93%), weight - 37 lbs. (99%), and head circumference - 20.4 (98%).  Yes, you read that correctly.  Jameson and Emmett are one pound, eight ounces different in weight.  Awesome.

He is still so goofy and incredibly stubborn.  He can throw a very, very impressive tantrum.  But at the flip of a coin he is snugged up on my lap with his cheek resting on mine and his hand on my other cheek.  Boy is he a good cuddler.  He is sooo happy to finally be out of the closet (so hilarious) and in his own room.  The first time you visit our new house I can pretty much guarantee that Emmett will grab your hand and lead you to his new pad that is decorated from floor to ceiling in Nee-noo (Tow Mater) and Ka-cow (Lightning McQueen).  He is obsessed with both of the Cars movies and somehow changed the two main characters names in to those listed above.  Nee-noo is a mystery but we are pretty sure Ka-cow is Ka-cow because Lightning McQueen says Ka-chow?!?  Your guess is as good as ours. 

So, it looks like the babies have left the building in the Krache house now that we have an actual toddler.  I am still in denial and try to force Emmett to let me cradle him like a tiny baby.  Ha.  A portion of me wants to break in to hysterics and the other portion is very peaceful and happy.  The hysterics break out when I see a cute, tiny baby (not that I have ever had a tiny baby) or hold a baby that has that new baby smell.  The peace takes over when my kids are all tucked in at 7:00 p.m. and I know that I have until 7:00 a.m. the next day all to myself.  Zen.  It is weird to only have to schedule yearly physicals now.  A strange, strange feeling.  Sigh.  Hysterics, zen, hysterics, zen.  It’s a vicious cycle.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow, I weighed Maeve at my parents' house on their bathroom scale and she was 26.something lbs. Such a linebacker! I can only imagine how weird it must be for you to not have a baby in the house! But you've earned your zen...enjoy it. =)
