Baby Emmett is eight months old. Geez. A lot has happened in his life lately. He has two teeth, is mobile and loves to chant Da, Da, Da, Da. Yep, Da Da. My brainwashing was 100% completely ineffective. Ugh. I really thought brainwashing from birth would make him say Ma Ma first. Epic fail. However, I still melt when he chants Da Da because it is so darn cute.
He still laughs at everything and often ends up laughing until he starts snorting or gets the hiccups. He has added a nose scrunch to some of his smiles to make them extra smiley. It is too much for my heart. He has a constant sparkle in his eyes that you can't help but smile at. I catch myself staring at him with tears in my eyes...he's that cute. I am super modest, as you can see.
Mmm, what is this tasty treat? |
This is not so delicious. |
He is still growing a nice head of white blonde hair and his eyes are staying a deep blue. Did I mention that he is perfect? He sleeps from 7p.m. to 8a.m. consistently now and loves to eat. He'll even eat green veggies now, which he gagged and spit out up until this last month. I think letting him eat leaves helped. Kidding of course.
Mid-knee bounce... |
To forward plank... |
To forward motion! |
Male model pose/face. |
He is completely mobile via a "crawl". It's a combination of unique yoga poses (think down dog combined with plank) followed by "hopping" on his knees until he builds up enough momentum to hurl himself forward. It is completely exhausting. All the moving has upped his afternoon nap to three hours. I need to video the "crawling", it is quite amazing. I have made a mental note to do so. He has perfected the commando crawl and uses it as a fall back. He is trying to sit up from the crawling position but hasn't quite mastered it. If you put him down sitting up he is completely stable until he gets bored and throws himself forward to move somewhere else. Soooo, my days are occupied keeping him in the safe zone. Between teething and crawling, he keeps me on my toes. :)
Here are some outtakes from our 8th month photoshoot:
Siblings! |
Oh geez... |
Poor Emmett. |
There they go! |
And, I give up. |
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