When they told me I was pregnant with a boy is in 2008, I thought to myself, I am not prepared to have a boy. I have no knowledge on how to raise a boy. I have no brother. I was freaked out. Panicked. Jameson popped out and I thought, I can do this. As soon as he learned how to show affection he threw it all my way. Sigh. Mama's boy. I have been eating it up ever since.
While he is still this little lover boy...he is also now danger boy. He's always been more fearless than Brooklyn but now he is straight up reckless. Whenever he shouts, "look at me!" I know to expect something scary. I am trying to adapt and stop my heart from racing every time he climbs up something or jumps off something but he is pretty good at landing wrong and getting many a owie. Lately he has been on quite the mission of destruction. First was owie lip.
He was attempting to display the lip while hiding. |
Side view of owie lip. Hard to capture the bruising. |
Owie lip happened while playing at the YMCA. Apparently he was chasing after a ball and caught the lip of the rug with his toe and his tooth went through his upper lip.
Second was owie eye.
I asked him to make an owie face. |
Quite dramatic. |
He couldn't hold the sad face for long. |
Owie eye happened while running out of our castle/tent. He tripped and fell on a dollhouse clock ending up with a sweet cut that we initially thought might need stitches but after a little ice and a lot of cuddling, it looked a lot better. It has healed nicely and he only has a little bit of bruising left. I think he got his gracefulness from me.
Here are some of his recent owie-less feats he had called for me to come and see:
My sweet pea, climbing in the sweet peas. |
Why swing or go down the slide when you can climb? |
And climb... |
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