Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Jameson has a knack for getting stuck in weird places.  As you all know, we even had to call 911 thanks to him climbing feet first into his "drain" aka heat vent.  Lately he has surprised with several other "I'm stuck" situations:

Finger stuck in the Red Robin cup...see in the panic in his face.
Not happy.
Daddy to the rescue!
Stuck in the Fred Meyer shopping cart.
He thought this one was funny.
Let's hope this phase passes quickly.  We love our little goofball!

104 Degrees

Seriously?!?  Whenever our kids get sick...whether it be a cold, rash, flu, ear infections, etc. their fevers shoot from 98.6 to 104 in a matter of seconds.  Literally.  Yesterday was a perfect example of this.  Jameson woke up was acting normal and then BAM he yells at Emmett for being mean to him (who was in the other room) and then lays on the couch declaring that, "I DON'T FEEL GOOD!"  I head over to assess the situation and I can feel the heat radiating off his body.  104.3 degrees.  The fever was insisting on making itself nice and comfy so we had to hit with simultaneous doses of ibuprofen and tylenol.  Today?  Fever gone.  Kids puzzle me daily.  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Three Pounds

Three pounds.  The weight of the average brain AND it just so happens to be the exact weight difference between the boys.  At Emmett's double ear infection/pneumonia recheck today he weighed in at 33lbs.  Jameson wanted to see how big he was too and weight in at 36lbs.  A little over two years apart and only three pounds apart in weight.  The nurse thought it was quite amusing.  Their clothes sizes differ a little due to the height difference.  Jameson wears 4T tops and bottoms and Emmett can wear 2T-4T tops and 2T-3T pants...depending on the fit.  No skinny jeans for Emmett!

Oh, and the pneumonia and ear infections had both cleared up.  Whew!