Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Emmett's First Black Eye

I actually can't quite believe that this post is about Emmett's first black eye.  If you have been around him you would think he has had quite a few.  Alas, this is his first.  It has mysterious origins...all I heard was a thump, followed by silence, followed shortly by scream crying.  Emmett has perfected scream crying.  When he gets hurt he gets more mad than hurt so he ends up with a scream cry.  A loud one.  Anyhoo, when I went to address the scream crying I found Emmett holding his eye and Brooklyn and Jameson looking scared.  After many different stories it was determined that Jameson pushed Emmett's head into the side of Brooklyn's bed.  Oh, the joy of brothers.  As any good parent would, I wanted to snap a quick picture of this momentous occasion but instead of a quick pic, Emmett kept asking me to take more and more and more pictures.  Here are the many faces of Emmett...with a black eye.

The Eye...the nose cut is from another injury.  :)
I was trying to get him to make a sad face but he wouldn't stop laughing...figures.
Sad face.
And, back to happy face.
Extreme close-up.
He said this was his black, not so much.
I call this "derpy" face...he makes it all the time.
Working on a really sad face.
So stinkin' cute.
Gotta love the underbite.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

True Life: I'm a Chicken Farmer

Look, it's another excuse post!  It's pretty much become the norm round the ol' Blue Eyed Bliss.  This time I am here to introduce you to our most recent time drain, The Flock!  We added a flock of chickens and two ducks to our lives because, well, why not?!?  They started out fuzzy, adorable and pretty irresistible and rapidly grew into not so fuzzy, loud, chickens and ducks.  Bring on the eggs!  So, my nightly routine has changed a bit.  I used to tuck the kids in and then "relax" i.e. do dishes, laundry, clean floors, blog, etc.  Now I tuck my human kids in and then tend the babies in the garage, the flock.  We were told we would have three months to build a coop but thanks to our love and food portions, our flock is HUGE.  Brett has been spending every spare minute of time building a giant coop and the flock is anxiously awaiting the grand opening of their new home.

The kids LOVE the flock.  As you can see from this video just "adopting" chickens brought Brooklyn to very literal tears of joy:

The kids find the chickens and ducks to be very fascinating.  They always want to help feed them or get them water and they love to hold them.  Well, except for Emmett.  He is still a bit to Lenny-ish to be handling fragile chickens and ducks.  :)  We have yet to name any of our new family members because we were (thankfully) warned that the mortality rate for chicks is pretty high and we learned that the hard way.  But I think we are almost in the clear to start naming our new family member!

The Flock as Babies

Very excited kiddos!

The boys.

Close-up of The Flock.

Bink and a Baby Duck.

Emmett, sans fowl.

J-Man and the Other Baby Duck.

Bink and a Chicken.


Nervous smile and a chicken.