Whew! Today was my first un-medicated (well, narcotics...still taking ibuprofen like candy) and pain-free day in, oh, two and a half weeks. No biggie. Thank goodness my back is getting back to normal. A bad back is one big struggle when you have one big baby! This is what I dealt with during the last two weeks as I could only pick up Big Bad Baby Emmett when absolutely necessary:
So, those of you who care, my lower back is basically damaged goods. Who knows how or what happened...probably genetic as my Dad, his twin and both my sisters have back probs too. Lovely! Anyhoo, after suffering from back pain on and off since High School I finally had an MRI done on September 21st. The results are in and depending on who you ask (the MRI reader vs. the Spine Dr.) I either have two dead (or squished discs - that was his explanation for "dead") and one herniated (Spine Dr.) or three herniated discs (MRI reader). All I know is that I have never experienced that much pain. The two natural childbirths I endured didn't even hold a candle to this pain. That bad. But, it seems to be almost back to normal now that the spasms have passed and, thanks to countless deep tissue massages (not so relaxing), the muscles have softened.
The plan moving forward is that I get to see my new spine doc on the 13th to get this problem solved. I am all about solutions but am going to avoid surgery at all costs. As in, I won't have surgery. No, no, no! (That involved a pouty face and a foot stomp.)
Wondering what I was like over the last two weeks? You'd have to ask Brett as the details are hazy. But I do remember, while rolling around in pain, I would cry and laugh on and off (usually at the same time) about not being about to pick up my own kids and not being able to go to the gym. You heard it right, I have self diagnosed myself with Hypergymnasia. An addiction to working out. Okay, I am totally joking but I do miss the gym so much and can't wait to get back in to a routine. I'll also be adding a cleanse in when I am off the four hour rotation of ibuprofen. I figure my body is due for a week long cleanse full of potions and elixers from my local GNC. After being sick on and off and this back prob I figure it can't hurt! I'm sure I'll have lots of exciting posts on that later.
So, Stay tuned and send positive back vibes my way so that I can continue to pick up that big ol' blue eyed cutie.
Oh man Tamarama. Thats terrible news. I hope your back continues to get better although sometimes pain meds can be fun..! but not when in that much pain!!!