Typical. |
I have to be honest, until we had kids I wasn't a big fan of Halloween. I think I mentioned this in my previous pumpkin carving post. Have a litter of kids and your perspective on the Holiday changes. They get SO excited and are irresistibly cute all dressed up. Thankfully the household plague of HFMD cleared up just in time. This year we had a beautiful flower princess, a brave fireman and a stinky skunk.
The "best" of the group shots. |
Our Halloween went like this. Wake up, drop Brooklyn off at school, head to the gym to be proactive about the amount of candy we wanted to consume, head to Grocery Outlet to finish our candy collection for the evening, pick up Brooklyn, eat lunch, naps, wake up from naps, costume prep and then the fun began!
Our beautiful princess. |
We kicked off the evening by driving the six minutes to my parents so they could trick-or-treat at Papa and Mimi's. They had been waiting for weeks to take Mimi's candy. They rang the doorbell, took a handful of candy, ran to the table and ate the candy. They really have no patience. I am not sure how they inherited this trait, ahem, Brett.
Getting ready to knock on Mimi's door. |
They are sorta looking at the camera. |
And they switch. Story of my life. |
Ring! Ring! |
Skunk baby and Daddy. |
Eating of candy... |
Cute Skunk being naughty. |
Trying for a group photo. |
Such a struggle. |
The boys. |
We loaded back in to the car to swing down the hill to see the Springer's. After a quick visit with the family we headed back to our house to divide and conquer. Brett took the "big" kids trick-or-treating while Emmett and I tended to our 200+ trick-or-treaters (we ran out of our four Costco bags of candy by 8:00 p.m.). After an hour Brett returned and we switched jobs. At this point, Emmett was tuckered out and in bed. The kids were hilarious. Jameson was scared out of his mind but somehow managed to put it on me. He kept saying, "Don't worry Mommy, I will protect you." Such a little man.
More group photos. |
It just gets better. |
Brooklyn has had enough. |
As you can see, Emmett and I had a lot of alone time while the big kids were trick-or-treating. But, seriously, how can you not take a million pictures of this chunky skunk. He makes my heart melt.
Binky Skunk. |
Walking Skunk! |
Tired Skunk. |
Skunk profile. |
Cheeks! |
Ridiculous. |
Get-a-way Skunk. |
So cute. |
Male skunk model. |
Angry skunk. |
Skunk thief. |
Tired skunk. |
Skunk bedtime. |
THE SKUNK costume is AMAZING! OMG Tamara, your kids are so dang cute, I can't even stand it. The male skunk model really stole my heart.