Big Bad Baby Emmett is 11 months old!
I say this time and time again, but time is going by way too fast. The last month of E's life hasn't brought a tremendous amount of change. He is still in 2T clothes and has actually even made it into a few outfits, not just jammi's. :) There are no new teeth to report so the count is still at eight. But, I am thinking more are on their way due to the massive drooling, finger chewing, overall crankiness and the five a.m. wake-ups he's been dishing out. Thank you baby Emmett, I did want to start waking up in the dark. :)
See, cranky. |
He has added a few new facial expressions that are awesome. One is the almost closed eyes, cheesy "smile" face. He snaps his jaw shut so hard he is shaking when he pulls this one out. It is usually during dinner or when he is really tired and just wants to go to bed...but it is only 5:30 p.m. He also has the "whistle" face. He pulls this out when he is really concentrating hard on something.
Almost closed eye face, minus the smile...still trying to get that one on film. |
Had to throw in the cheek cleavage. |
Whistle face. |
Big Bad Baby Emmett is starting to live up to his name. He is naughty, naughty, naughty. I have actually considered renting him out to help others baby proof their homes. I have babyproofed, vacuumed, swept, vacuumed again, etc. and he still finds something that is not intended for babies...every day. So naughty.
Look, Mom, I just ate something I wasn't supposed to off the floor! |
He has taken a few steps on his own only when encouraged. He can crawl super fast and cruise along the furniture equally as fast. His new favorite thing to do is to cruise along the couch at his usual speed and then, when he reaches the end he just dives off as if he can walk. He burns out every time. Not the quickest learner. Speaking of which, he still does not like the sippy cup, still prefers baby food vs. real food and will not mimic/learn from me when I try to help him sign "more" or wave. I'm sure it is perfectly normally and is my fault due to the fact that he is, well, the third child. Poor, poor third child. :)
Thinkin' about going for it. |
Trying, and falling. |
Using me as a prop to stand up. |
So, the last month has brought out a little more cranky but when he is not cranky, he's still our dimpled, smiley, big-little guy.
That pointy little tongue is always out. |
Don't even get me started on what next month will bring. Ugh. That is going to be a rough day for me...
Super Baby! |
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