Already takin' self portraits! |
I know, I know. I am a week behind but it was an emotional roller coaster for me. I mean, how can my (our) baby be one already!?! It feels like we were just in the hospital staring at our GIANT baby and giggling. Now he's a walking, babbling machine of total destruction.
At least he still is a happy guy 95% of the time. He has introduced a "cranky hour" from 5:30-6:30 p.m. He actually is usually in bed by 6:30 p.m. because he goes in to "prayer" mode, as we call it. Prayer mode is when he sits crossed legged, puts his hands over his head and then bows forward repeatedly. When I say repeatedly I mean 20 or so times. Fast. It is then that we decide that he is too tired to be awake. Even though he goes to bed at 6:30 p.m. he still gets up at 7:30 a.m. So, we can't really complain. :)
He is still babbling, a lot, but has yet to repeat what I thought was his declaration of "mama." Dang it. It will come soon enough! He walks pretty much all the time now and is still clumsy so his forehead and nose are constantly getting bonked and bruised. He usually gets mad instead of sad when he gets an owie. Living up to his meathead nickname for sure!
He is still very mischievous and we keep meaning to pack up our wine bottle shelf/holder thing because he loves to clink the glasses together, hard. I am sure he'll break one before I actually get the chance to put it away. Oh well, it's just stuff. He still has a love for the tupperware drawer and still gives me that devilish grin when he is about to do something naughty. Such a little goober!
We are still working on getting him to eat solids. At his one year check his pediatrician told us to get him off baby food. I told her we were trying but he either chokes on "real" food or spits it right back out. Like I said, we'll keep trying. He likes pancakes but I am fairly certain one cannot sustain a life on pancakes.
On a sentimental note, I just can't imagine life without Emmett. Of course I love, and feel, the same way about the other kids but I'll focus on E for the moment. He is such a constant source of joy and I can physically feel my heart swell when he makes direct eye contact with me and gives me that, "I love you Mom!" look. Sigh. I can't wait to see what toddlerhood brings for us and him but at the same time can wait. I miss not having a baby around the house already but dream of the day that I am no longer changing and paying for diapers. A mix of emotions for sure. I am a little nervous to see what our grocery list will look like when the boys are in high school but am thankful that my nerves have a long time to build before then. And you know this Mom is not ready for tackle football and sports related injures yet! So, I promise to cuddle Emmett but not coddle him. Love him, but keep encouraging independence. My dreams will come true if I can raise him to be just like his amazing father. With the addition of some cooking skills. Chicks dig a dude who can cook. :)
As for his stats, he is 32.75 inches tall, weighs 28lbs. 3oz., and has a head circumference of 19.5 inches. Our tall, big-headed, barrel-chested, beautiful blue-eyed boy!
Note: I finally ditched the age paper in the photos because it just wasn't workin' anymore. Enjoy some recent photos of our big little angel.
Outtake from our recent family photo sesh. |
Walkin' away from me, typical. |
Another male model shot. Clearly it's in his future. |
Happiest baby on the block! |