Halloween is such a tough concept for our little ones. Brooklyn "gets it" and has already started a countdown to next Halloween. It goes a little like this, "Next is Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then Daddy's birthday, then my birthday, then Easter and then it will be Halloween again!" Not so accurate but so cute to see her get excited for Halloween 2012 already. Jameson on the other hand, does not get it. Each night when it starts to get dark he puts on his costume and says, "I'm ready to go trick-or-treating. Let's go!" Then Brooklyn or I will break his heart again by letting him know that Halloween is over. Poor guy. So, as you can imagine they have worn their costumes at some point, every day this week. Awesome. And, Brooklyn even wore Emmett's. A-TRACT-IVE.
Skunk girl. |
Super Happy Princess Skunk. |
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