Friday, November 4, 2011

Seahawks Date Day

Last Sunday Brett and I spent the entire day together...just him and me!  We had such a great time.  He knew just how to start the day by stopping by our favorite coffee stand on the way home and surprising me with my favorite coffee and doughnuts.  How can your day not go great when you start with doughnuts?!?  :) 

We dropped the kids off at Mimi's (thanked her endlessly) and headed to Seattle for the Seahawks game!  Brett's coworker gave us the tickets so we splurged on $15, somewhat close, parking and walked into the stadium just in time to grab a quick snack and find our seats.  The seats were great and the rain held off until the moment we got home.  The game was exciting for awhile and then it went downhill so we got super angry with the rest of the fans.  Man, those are some rowdy fans!  I forgot how fun Seahawks games are to see live.  Super fun. 

After the game (and torture - we played horribly) ended we headed home to warm up with some Mexican food at our favorite spot.  After we were full to the brim we headed to 7-11 to claim our free, yes free, slurpee and beef jerky.  Apparently when the Hawks score a touchdown in the "red zone" end-zone you get free things at 7-11.  So, of course, we weren't going to pass up on the opportunity!  It was such a great end to a super fun day date.   

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