I think I'll make a parenting dictionary. Let me start with these frequently used terms:
Happy Hour - was once when you kicked back with some half-price appetizers and an adult beverage. These days my Happy Hour is the rare occasion when all three of the kids are asleep. When this happens, I frantically wrack my brain for what I need to get done...and then I end up taking a nap because I instantly lose all motivation. So, Happy Hour is now when I recharge my batteries by sleeping.
Triple Threat - when all three kids stink up the house at the same time. Why, oh, why does this always happen at the same time? Brooklyn's in the bathroom, Jameson is running around denying "the stinky" and Emmett has pooped up to his neck. Triple Threat people, Triple Threat.
Meltdownthirty - happens when you try to skip naps, have a late dinner, forget to pack a snack, basically whenever you break your "routine." All your kids start to cry in what I call the domino effect. It only takes one to start the domino and then they all follow, not even knowing what they are supposed to be crying about. Meltdownthirty.
There are more, plenty more terms that I'll educate y'all on here and there.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Hello Popchips!
As mentioned before, I am working on getting rid of the "baby weight"...not fun. But, it just got a lot more fun. You see I have always been a snacker. I was raised a snacker. When our Aunt used to babysit us she knew that we were on a snack, meal, snack, meal, snack, meal, snack schedule. Let me introduce you to my new crush, Popchips.
Yum. They have just enough crunch and are filling enough to complete one of my snack rotations. Swoon.
Yum. They have just enough crunch and are filling enough to complete one of my snack rotations. Swoon.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Dear Bing
I would like to thank you for your thorough find to my question, "How long is spaghetti sauce good if it has been refrigerated?" I visited your site this afternoon because at 4:30 p.m. I realized that I needed to make dinner and had not pulled out anything to cook. After looking through the fridge I found spaghetti sauce I made approx. one week ago and was going to freeze, but didn't. Hello dinner! You reassured me that it was perfectly okay to eat it. All is going good so far. Thank you Bing.
Yours Truly,
Frazzled Mom
P.S. Love the picture of the cherry blossom tree today.
Yours Truly,
Frazzled Mom
P.S. Love the picture of the cherry blossom tree today.
Let it Rain Sweet Potatoes
Rice cereal has been a tough battle with Emmett. That is until we introduced sweet potatoes on Wednesday. For plain cereal he would seal his mouth shut and turn his head after one bite. For sweet potatoes, he didn't spit any out and opened his mouth for more after each bite. He ate the entire jar the first time he tasted it.
However, it became very confusing because sweet potatoes ended up on his hands...and he wouldn't take them out of his mouth. Now he expects them to always taste like sweet potatoes.

Spring, Beautiful Spring
Hello Spring! We welcome you with open arms. I spent the last few days outside with the kids and we had a blast. Soccer balls, bug hunts and an unfortunate incident with a gas can. No, Brooklyn, we do not water the grass and flowers with gas. Long story, not a stellar parenting moment for me. Anyhoo, put down the phone and don't call CPS. Instead, enjoy these cute pictures of our fun in the overcast "sun."
Bug Watching
Finding "beautiful" flowers for me. It's the thought that counts.
Yes, she likes to dress herself. Seen Despicable Me?
This should remind you of someone. The hat that is.
I am sure our neighbors think we are totally normal.
One of Those Days
Today was one of those days. Today, like most days, I started the day by heading to the gym. I do this in hopes that some day I will wear jeans again and in part because our gym includes two hours of free child care a day. (Insert relaxing sigh here.) I pack up all the kids, their snacks, bottles, cups, diapers, etc., etc. and load them in to the car and drive to the gym. This process takes an hour, minimum.
I get to the gym, clock in some cardio and head over to the weights because, let's face, I am super buff. It is at this moment that I see my reflection. I instantly want to bury my head in the sand, ostrich style. There I am, in the gym already for an hour, and I have yesterdays water resistant mascara all under my eyes, my hair is going every which way and I have a spit up stain on my shoulder. I start laughing and lose focus on all things gym related. At this point I am sure everyone in the gym is on alert cause there is a crazy in the room, me. What the heck? In the process of getting three other bodies ready I didn't even glance in the mirror (or brush my teeth for that matter) to make sure I was presentable to the world. Awesome. Awesome and gross. Presentable I was not.
At least it was humorous.
I get to the gym, clock in some cardio and head over to the weights because, let's face, I am super buff. It is at this moment that I see my reflection. I instantly want to bury my head in the sand, ostrich style. There I am, in the gym already for an hour, and I have yesterdays water resistant mascara all under my eyes, my hair is going every which way and I have a spit up stain on my shoulder. I start laughing and lose focus on all things gym related. At this point I am sure everyone in the gym is on alert cause there is a crazy in the room, me. What the heck? In the process of getting three other bodies ready I didn't even glance in the mirror (or brush my teeth for that matter) to make sure I was presentable to the world. Awesome. Awesome and gross. Presentable I was not.
At least it was humorous.
Happy Birthday Grandma!
The kids have taken over the blog to wish Grandma Lynn a happy birthday!
Stunning art projects are in the mail and will be there when you get home.
Enjoy the warm weather!
Some outtakes to enjoy:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Chocolate Chip Muffins
It was Brooklyn's turn to bring a snack to school today so we made these easy, yummy chocolate chip muffins together yesterday.
Mommy & Me Chocolate Chip Muffins
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease bottom only of 12 medium muffin cups.
2. Beat milk, butter and egg in large bowl with wire whisk. Sift remaining ingredients. Add to wet mixture just until flour is moistened. Do not over mix. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups (about 2/3 full).
3. Bake 16 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand about five minutes in pan. Remove from pan and let cool on wire rack.
Best eaten warm out of the oven!
Livin' in a Castle

What does a SAHM do? Well, today I spent two hours, with three kids, in the above castle. Brooklyn was telling us "spooky stories" that were about two things: pink bats and pink owls. Very spooky. So spooky that Baby Emmett fell asleep during story time...now if I could trick all of them in to sleeping in there.
Monday, March 21, 2011
So Much for Dinner
While making Emmett's rice cereal tonight, this is what I came back too. Apparently I took too long.
The Magic of the Lovie
I am no parenting expert, that is for sure. But, after successfully getting three kids to sleep through the night pretty early...I definitely have some tips to share. The first being the Lovie. This blanket has specifics. It has to be small, lightweight and all silky material on one side. Brooklyn and Jameson have this exact type of blankie while Emmett's Great-Grandma Joan made his.
The key is this. Sleep with said small blankie in your bed for a week or so before the baby is born. Then, where ever the baby is sleeping, put this blankie under their head. They are tiny so they won't be able to grab it and suffocate. The scent will be you so it helps to soothe them. Buy two of the blankies so in the beginning you can always have a spare in your bed if the first one gets spit-up on.
Then, when they are bigger, they will use this same blankie to self soothe at bedtime. All of our kids still sleep with their little blankies.
Stay tuned for more tricks that worked for our kids.
Then, when they are bigger, they will use this same blankie to self soothe at bedtime. All of our kids still sleep with their little blankies.
Stay tuned for more tricks that worked for our kids.
Baby Blues
I mean, really, as much as I complain that none of my babies have green eyes...how can you not love the blues?
Does this Diaper Make my Butt Look Big?
Well, today was a pretty big day. Baby Emmett now wears size four diapers. SIZE FOUR. To put this in perspective, Jameson wears a size five. His two and a half year old brother only wears one size bigger than four month old Emmett.
This makes me think two things. One - Emmett is still huge. Two - I really need to start working on potty training Jameson. Time to break out the Cheerios!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Well, the view from my hospital room is stunning. Obviously joking.
I made it up 69 flights of stairs or 1,311 steps. Whew, it was no joke. It was not too bad at first...then I hit the fifth floor and it was carnage. People bent over wheezing, sitting in chairs, pouring water on their heads, etc. That psyched me out. I didn't feel tired. Should I be more tired? Should I take a break? Apparently it only gets worse because each landing had more carnage. A very unique sight indeed. I took breaks now and again because I felt that if I didn't do what everyone else was doing I wouldn't make it to the top. Yes, if everyone jumped off a bridge I would too. Come to find out, it really isn't that hard. I made it up in 21 minutes 6 seconds. I was aiming for under 30 minutes so I was pleasantly surprised. The biggest challenge was breathing in the hot, humid air...it really burns your lungs. In true Krache style, I am plotting ways to train and cut time for next year. It's a sickness.
All jokes aside, each landing had a photo of someone fighting Leukemia or Lymphoma or someone who lost the fight. Talk about inspiration. Painfully inspiring to know that each step we were taking could help someone help their own fight. A very touching moment in a painfully, well, painful climb. Did I mention it was painful?

All jokes aside, each landing had a photo of someone fighting Leukemia or Lymphoma or someone who lost the fight. Talk about inspiration. Painfully inspiring to know that each step we were taking could help someone help their own fight. A very touching moment in a painfully, well, painful climb. Did I mention it was painful?
Home-Style Italian Chicken Soup with Tiny Meatballs
Yum. I love soup. Really love soup. Soup season is almost over so try this one out tonight, it goes great with a hearty bread to dip:
Home-Style Italian Chicken Soup with Tiny Meatballs
1 3-pound chicken
2 onions, quartered
4 carrots, 2 quartered, 2 cut into 1/4 inch dice
2 ribs celery, quartered
2 cloves garlic
1 1/2 quarts Chicken Stock
1 1/2 quarts water
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 pound ground beef or turkey (I prefer turkey)
6 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for serving
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
1 egg, beaten
1/4 pound green beans, cut into 1/2 inch lengths
2 medium zucchini, quartered lengthwise, seeded and cut into 1/4 dice
2/3 cup tiny pasta, such as stars or orzo
1 cup canned tomatoes, drained and chopped
1/4 teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper
1. Remove excess fat from the chicken. Put the chicken in a large pot. Add the quartered onions, carrots and celery, the garlic, stock, water and 2 teaspoons of the salt. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, partially covered, skimming occasionally, for 2 hours. Remove the chicken when it's cooked through, after about 1 hour.
2. When the chicken is cool enough to handle, separate the meat from the skin and bones and cut it into 1/2-inch pieces. Return the chicken bones and skin to the simmering stock for added flavor.
3. Strain the stock. Press the vegetables firmly to get all the liquid. Skim the fat from the stock. You should have two quarts of stock.
4. Meanwhile, make the meatballs: In a medium bowl, mix together the ground meat, 4 tablespoons of the parsley, the Parmesan, bread crumbs, egg and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt. Shape the mixture into small meatballs, about 3/4 inch in diameter. You should have about 50 meatballs.
5. Put the stock in a pot. Add the diced carrots and the green beans and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the zucchini and simmer 5 minutes longer.
6. In a small saucepan of boiling, salted water, cook the pasta until just done, about 7 minutes. Drain and add to the soup with the reserved chicken, the meatballs, tomatoes and pepper. Bring back to a boil and simmer until the meatballs are cooked through, about 4 minutes.
7. Stir in the remaining 2 tablespoons parsley. Serve with additional Parmesan.
Home-Style Italian Chicken Soup with Tiny Meatballs
1 3-pound chicken
2 onions, quartered
4 carrots, 2 quartered, 2 cut into 1/4 inch dice
2 ribs celery, quartered
2 cloves garlic
1 1/2 quarts Chicken Stock
1 1/2 quarts water
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 pound ground beef or turkey (I prefer turkey)
6 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for serving
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
1 egg, beaten
1/4 pound green beans, cut into 1/2 inch lengths
2 medium zucchini, quartered lengthwise, seeded and cut into 1/4 dice
2/3 cup tiny pasta, such as stars or orzo
1 cup canned tomatoes, drained and chopped
1/4 teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper
1. Remove excess fat from the chicken. Put the chicken in a large pot. Add the quartered onions, carrots and celery, the garlic, stock, water and 2 teaspoons of the salt. Bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, partially covered, skimming occasionally, for 2 hours. Remove the chicken when it's cooked through, after about 1 hour.
2. When the chicken is cool enough to handle, separate the meat from the skin and bones and cut it into 1/2-inch pieces. Return the chicken bones and skin to the simmering stock for added flavor.
3. Strain the stock. Press the vegetables firmly to get all the liquid. Skim the fat from the stock. You should have two quarts of stock.
4. Meanwhile, make the meatballs: In a medium bowl, mix together the ground meat, 4 tablespoons of the parsley, the Parmesan, bread crumbs, egg and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt. Shape the mixture into small meatballs, about 3/4 inch in diameter. You should have about 50 meatballs.
5. Put the stock in a pot. Add the diced carrots and the green beans and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the zucchini and simmer 5 minutes longer.
6. In a small saucepan of boiling, salted water, cook the pasta until just done, about 7 minutes. Drain and add to the soup with the reserved chicken, the meatballs, tomatoes and pepper. Bring back to a boil and simmer until the meatballs are cooked through, about 4 minutes.
7. Stir in the remaining 2 tablespoons parsley. Serve with additional Parmesan.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Baby Food Carrot Cake Cupcakes
Before you gag due to the baby food content...this is the recipe that I get asked for the most. So, here it is. Spice up your Saturday and put a batch in the oven, you won't regret it.
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Sift flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.
3. Whisk oil, eggs, vanilla and baby food.
4. Stir wet ingredients into dry.
5. Fold in shredded carrots (leave these out for mini cupcakes).
6. Fill cups halfway.
7. Bake approximately 30 minutes (toothpick test).
8. Let stand five minutes.
9. Remove from pan and cool completely.
10. Frost and refrigerate.
1. Place the white chocolate in a small glass bowl. Microwave on high for one minute. Remove and stir until smooth.
2. Place cream cheese and butter in mixing bowl - beat until well combined. Add the melted white chocolate, vanilla and 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Blend on low speed until the sugar is incorporated. Add the additional sugar and blend until the frosting is fluffy.
Carrot Cake Cupcakes
3 cups Flour
3 cups Sugar
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda
2 teaspoons Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Salt
1 1/2 cups Vegetable Oil
4 Eggs
1 Tablespoon Vanilla
1 1/2 cups Baby Food Carrots (Three, 4 oz. jars)
1 1/2 cups Baby Food Carrots (Three, 4 oz. jars)
1 1/2 cups Shredded Carrots
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Sift flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.
3. Whisk oil, eggs, vanilla and baby food.
4. Stir wet ingredients into dry.
5. Fold in shredded carrots (leave these out for mini cupcakes).
6. Fill cups halfway.
7. Bake approximately 30 minutes (toothpick test).
8. Let stand five minutes.
9. Remove from pan and cool completely.
10. Frost and refrigerate.
White Chocolate Cream Cheese Icing
9 oz. Baking White Chocolate
12 oz. Cream Cheese (room temp)
6 Tablespoons Butter (room temp)
1 1/2 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract
4 1/2 Cups Powdered Sugar
1. Place the white chocolate in a small glass bowl. Microwave on high for one minute. Remove and stir until smooth.
2. Place cream cheese and butter in mixing bowl - beat until well combined. Add the melted white chocolate, vanilla and 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Blend on low speed until the sugar is incorporated. Add the additional sugar and blend until the frosting is fluffy.
Big Girl Carseat
Yesterday we moved Big Girl Brooklyn to a Big Girl car seat aka booster seat. This was the best day for her, a very scary day for Mom and Dad. She is getting so big! No more five point seat belt for her!
From time to time people ask why I drive a Suburban...here is why:
Where else would I put all of these wild monkeys?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Cherry Blossom
Today I saw my first Cherry Blossom tree in bloom. These trees make me want to rush home and immediately change from boots to flip flops. Even if the the rain is pouring and the wind is blowing, I suddenly feel a little bit warmer. I know that Spring is on it's way! (Okay, and it usually means that my birthday is nearing.)
Growing up, our driveway was a huge hill with a grassy lawn up one side. Going down the lawn were three Cherry Blossom trees. They were "our" trees. "Our" being my sisters and me. The biggest tree was at the top and the bottom tree was the smallest with the middle, well, somewhere in between the two sizes. :) The big tree was Melissa's, the middle was mine and the wee one was Nelle's. I am sure you already figured that out on your own. I always thought their size was due to our age order but it was probably due to water distribution. Who knows. Either way it was always kinda magical. Long story short, these trees instantly take me back to my childhood and I love it!
Growing up, our driveway was a huge hill with a grassy lawn up one side. Going down the lawn were three Cherry Blossom trees. They were "our" trees. "Our" being my sisters and me. The biggest tree was at the top and the bottom tree was the smallest with the middle, well, somewhere in between the two sizes. :) The big tree was Melissa's, the middle was mine and the wee one was Nelle's. I am sure you already figured that out on your own. I always thought their size was due to our age order but it was probably due to water distribution. Who knows. Either way it was always kinda magical. Long story short, these trees instantly take me back to my childhood and I love it!
Wounded Seagull
From birth I immediately dubbed Emmett's cry the "wounded seagull." It reaches this octave that makes my brain vibrate painfully. It is simply amazing. Yesterday while I was out running errands Brett said that the wounded seagull reached an entirely new octave. I really didn't believe him. That is until Emmett unleashed fury today, for no reason. This wail is more "mother seagull lost it's baby and is in shear panic." It's is pretty awesome. As in, I was in awe at what was coming out his mouth. I am not a fan. I think it is a youngest child survival of the fittest technique. And let me tell you, it works.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tummy Time
Brooklyn and Jameson did not like, actually, did not tolerate tummy time. Hence flat heads and helmets. Emmett, on the other hand, thinks tummy time is hilarious (like everything else in his life) and is really working hard to roll over. Please excuse the shiny face, we are working on the eczema which flared up after our walk in the beautiful crisp pre-Spring day today.
Now if his giant hand was a little less delicious...he might be able to roll over.
Rice Cereal - 1 Emmett - 0

So, we have tried rice cereal a few times now and Emmett thinks it is pretty weird stuff. Initially I looked at Brett in surprise because it looked like he liked it. Then, not so much.

The Dentist
This last week Brooklyn and Jameson headed to the dentist for the first time. Separate appointments of course. I had been putting it off because honestly, I didn't see the point. Turns out I was right, it was pretty pointless.

I took Brooklyn and Brett took Jameson. Brooklyn thought it was the best day of her life and asked the dentist approximately five million questions. Surprise, surprise. The only part that bothered her was when the dentist patted her on the head. When I asked what she liked best about the dentist she replied, "I did NOT like when he touched my head." Such a little weirdo.
Jameson loved it as well but sat in silence while the dentist poked around in his mouth. And, you guessed it, their teeth are perfectly fine! I guess I can cross it off the mental list until next year.

I took Brooklyn and Brett took Jameson. Brooklyn thought it was the best day of her life and asked the dentist approximately five million questions. Surprise, surprise. The only part that bothered her was when the dentist patted her on the head. When I asked what she liked best about the dentist she replied, "I did NOT like when he touched my head." Such a little weirdo.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Best Baby Product E-V-E-R
I have three kids, you know this by now. I have tried countless baby products over the last four years and never had something work this effectively (there is that word again. Jessica-teach me, please!) and fast. If your baby suffers from eczema, try this:
It worked within an hour, I kid you not. Baby Emmett's red cheeks are no longer. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
It worked within an hour, I kid you not. Baby Emmett's red cheeks are no longer. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
There is a bean on it
A little back story is necessary for this post to be appreciated. I was raised in a houseful of sisters. Well, two of them but we weren't the only girls. Our Mom was a girl (duh), our dogs were all girls, our turtle was a girl, our fish, hamsters and birds were probably all girls. My poor Dad. We would vote on everything and we always won. We would talk about the girliest things at dinner but my Dad would always cut us off at boobs and lesbians. That's a whole separate post in and of itself. So, you can see that I was born living and breathing estrogen.
With that said, I have two sons. I was equally terrified as I was excited when I found out that I was pregnant with Jameson. What was I going to do with a B-O-Y!?! Little did I know that they are little cuddle bunnies and Momma's boys from birth. Sigh. Then they start to grow up and discover things. Things like climbing, jumping and head butting. Things that scare the living daylights out of me. Things like "the thing." They pull on the thing, ask what the thing is, etc., etc. Boys are curious. So, as you can imagine, every diaper change is an adventure. I haven't even tackled potty training because I don't know where to start. I digress. While changing J-Man's diaper the other day he shouts, "there is a bean on it!" I automatically respond, no, that is not a bean, don't touch it. He continues to try and convince me that there is indeed a bean on it but I keep trying to redirect his attention again and again and again. It was one heck of a diaper so I was pretty distracted. When I finally direct my attention to the thing...low and behold there is a bean on it. Or the pod of a bean or something that resembles a bean. To which my brain races to the last time we had beans for dinner. So disgusting. Every Mom will tell you, or maybe they won't, that most things aren't fully digested in toddlers. Apparently, beans are one of those things.
With that said, I have two sons. I was equally terrified as I was excited when I found out that I was pregnant with Jameson. What was I going to do with a B-O-Y!?! Little did I know that they are little cuddle bunnies and Momma's boys from birth. Sigh. Then they start to grow up and discover things. Things like climbing, jumping and head butting. Things that scare the living daylights out of me. Things like "the thing." They pull on the thing, ask what the thing is, etc., etc. Boys are curious. So, as you can imagine, every diaper change is an adventure. I haven't even tackled potty training because I don't know where to start. I digress. While changing J-Man's diaper the other day he shouts, "there is a bean on it!" I automatically respond, no, that is not a bean, don't touch it. He continues to try and convince me that there is indeed a bean on it but I keep trying to redirect his attention again and again and again. It was one heck of a diaper so I was pretty distracted. When I finally direct my attention to the thing...low and behold there is a bean on it. Or the pod of a bean or something that resembles a bean. To which my brain races to the last time we had beans for dinner. So disgusting. Every Mom will tell you, or maybe they won't, that most things aren't fully digested in toddlers. Apparently, beans are one of those things.
Four Month Old Super Baby
Just got back from Emmett's four month check and am happy to report that we have one healthy baby. He weighed in at 18lbs 8oz (98th percentile) and is 27 1/2 inches long...which isn't even on the growth chart. He's literally off the charts! His big ol' dome measured 17 3/8inches which is in the 99th percentile. Thankfully it is still round so it looks like we will only be two for three in helmets. All of this means that it has been confirmed on paper that he is is huge!

Answers to the super important questions posted yesterday...we start rice cereal today. Hooray for rice cereal! Time for Brett to get the high chair down from storage. While at the store for rice cereal I picked up an assortment of baby wash and lotions for E because the perma-rash is eczema. No one in the family has had this so I am a novice in how to treat it. We will be starting a skin care regime for him today, stay tuned. His eyes are still blue. ;) And, last but not least, the white nip is a pimple. So gross. Ew, ew, ew. The Doc said she can't tell us to pop it because it is against dermatologist recommendations but if I happen to go crazy with a loofah on it, it would go away. Otherwise it could be there for months. I think I'll leave this job to Brett.
He was all smiles and laughs the entire time and even demonstrated to the doctor how he loves to "jump" when you hold him up. She was impressed as we are. I know you all were on pins and needles in anticipation of this update. Yeah, right.

Answers to the super important questions posted yesterday...we start rice cereal today. Hooray for rice cereal! Time for Brett to get the high chair down from storage. While at the store for rice cereal I picked up an assortment of baby wash and lotions for E because the perma-rash is eczema. No one in the family has had this so I am a novice in how to treat it. We will be starting a skin care regime for him today, stay tuned. His eyes are still blue. ;) And, last but not least, the white nip is a pimple. So gross. Ew, ew, ew. The Doc said she can't tell us to pop it because it is against dermatologist recommendations but if I happen to go crazy with a loofah on it, it would go away. Otherwise it could be there for months. I think I'll leave this job to Brett.

The Big Climb
After birthing three children it is time to reward my body by getting back in to shape. No crash diet or pills here, it's gym time. To help motivate me, I signed up for The Big Climb in Seattle this Sunday. It is a for a great cause, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and is 69 flights of stairs, 1,311 steps and 788 feet of vertical elevation. Awesome. Wow, did I really say this Sunday? I feel like I should have had more time to get in shape. I really didn't think this one through. Must have been an affective (affective? effective? My personal lifelong grammar challenge) Brett lecture. If you know Brett, you know that he gives awesome motivational lectures. Lectures, not speeches. My goal? Make it to the top without having to be transported to the nearest hospital.
Being that this goal snuck up on me real quick, my next goal is to run a 5K. Yes, I start small. It might seem like a small feat for some but being that I am the most unnatural runner to possibly grace the planet, this is a huge challenge for me. I am a book nerd so I have purchased a sweet book on how to run. I kid you not. It is a 12 week program that I am starting now so hopefully I will be an awesome runner by the time the 5K comes around in June. Let's hope I don't fall off the treadmill between now and then.
Hopefully I'll update you on the Climb from the comfort of my own home on Sunday and I'll give you a training update from time-to-time because, let's face it, it will probably be hilarious.
For more information on the Climb and to support me visit:
Being that this goal snuck up on me real quick, my next goal is to run a 5K. Yes, I start small. It might seem like a small feat for some but being that I am the most unnatural runner to possibly grace the planet, this is a huge challenge for me. I am a book nerd so I have purchased a sweet book on how to run. I kid you not. It is a 12 week program that I am starting now so hopefully I will be an awesome runner by the time the 5K comes around in June. Let's hope I don't fall off the treadmill between now and then.
Hopefully I'll update you on the Climb from the comfort of my own home on Sunday and I'll give you a training update from time-to-time because, let's face it, it will probably be hilarious.
For more information on the Climb and to support me visit:
Nail Polish
I became a SAHM (Stay-at-Home Mom) in October of 2008 after our second child, Jameson, was born. The SAHM seems to live such a secret life these days. No one talks about what a SAHM really does and most assume that she must be crazy, in more ways than one. I mean, almost all of the Soap Operas have been canceled so what do we do?!? Yes, I spend a majority of time in my sweatpants and yes, I do sometimes realize halfway through they day that I haven't even had time to brush my hair...so if I know anything, it is not the most glamorous of jobs. (Yes, it is a job Just like Drill Team IS a sport.) I am sure SAHM's that have nannies in addition to staying home or get up five hours before their kids still wear skinny jeans and heels but I treasure my pocketbook and sleep too much for that life.
With that said, I come full circle to the title: nail polish. Two simple words, one simple bottle, can make such a difference. Set aside five minutes and you too can have instant glamorization (not sure that is even a word) of your life. They make polish that dries in 30 seconds. 30 seconds people. I can be covered in spit up, up to my elbows in diapers and still feel a little bit like the woman I am when I catch a glimpse of my ruby red, black or fluorescent pink nails. It's my recent "ahhh" moment that makes me feel like a grown-up again.
Are you still wondering if I'll address what a SAHM does? Well, I guess that will remain a secret for now.
With that said, I come full circle to the title: nail polish. Two simple words, one simple bottle, can make such a difference. Set aside five minutes and you too can have instant glamorization (not sure that is even a word) of your life. They make polish that dries in 30 seconds. 30 seconds people. I can be covered in spit up, up to my elbows in diapers and still feel a little bit like the woman I am when I catch a glimpse of my ruby red, black or fluorescent pink nails. It's my recent "ahhh" moment that makes me feel like a grown-up again.
Are you still wondering if I'll address what a SAHM does? Well, I guess that will remain a secret for now.
Cake Makes the World Go Round
Being a mother of three kids age four and under makes for a very marginal amount of "me time." Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have it any other way, it's just a fact. The "me time" that I do I have I love to read and most importantly bake. Baking seems to be so trendy right now but I have been baking since I was a just a wee little lady, just ask my Mom. I would spend hours in the kitchen decorating elaborate cakes and making breads from scratch. I have always dreamed of opening a bakery but given my current amount of time and money, I think I'd rather share some of my recipes here and get the people of the world eating delicious treats. Do I think the trendy treats are not delicious? You bet. I don't mind that cupcakes are all the rage and that cakes look more like art these days but I do mind that taste is being sacrificed for looks. Who cares what it looks like if it tastes great, right? So, I am on a cake/cupcake revolution. I will post a delicious recipe once a week that is extra tasty with no fancy decoration.
With this thought process I give you a 100+ year old recipe from the kitchen of my Great-Grandmother, Alma Dodson:
Banana Muffins (Is it still a muffin if it has frosting? I think so.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix and set aside:
4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
4 eggs
Gradually add dry ingredients and mix. Batter will be thick.
Then add:
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 cups bananas
Mix until just blended.
Fill muffin tins 2/3 full and bake at 350 degrees for approx 25 minutes or until tops bounce back to touch.
3 oz cream cheese (room temp)
3 oz butter (room temp)
1 1/2 - 2 cups powdered sugar
approx 1 tsp mapleleen (to taste)
Beat on high until fluffy.
I use a Kitchen-Aid Artisan mixer for any recipes that require a mixer. If I had to go to a desert island, my mixer would be one item I would take. I am sure I could make island treats of some sort.
With this thought process I give you a 100+ year old recipe from the kitchen of my Great-Grandmother, Alma Dodson:
Banana Muffins (Is it still a muffin if it has frosting? I think so.)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix and set aside:
4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
4 eggs
Gradually add dry ingredients and mix. Batter will be thick.
Then add:
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 cups bananas
Mix until just blended.
Fill muffin tins 2/3 full and bake at 350 degrees for approx 25 minutes or until tops bounce back to touch.
3 oz cream cheese (room temp)
3 oz butter (room temp)
1 1/2 - 2 cups powdered sugar
approx 1 tsp mapleleen (to taste)
Beat on high until fluffy.
I use a Kitchen-Aid Artisan mixer for any recipes that require a mixer. If I had to go to a desert island, my mixer would be one item I would take. I am sure I could make island treats of some sort.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Big E's Four Month Check
I figure most of my readers will be family because, lets face it, I am just not that interesting. So, I will frequently update you on the juicy details of our kids lives. I am sure they will thank me in their High School valedictorian (yes, I just spell-checked that word) speeches.
Tomorrow is Baby Emmett's (I will call him Baby Emmett his entire life) four month check. Let me say that again, four month check. Didn't I just shoot that 9lb 10oz baby out? Where did four months go? Anyhoo, we are off to see the pediatrician to see if he is still measuring in the 95th percentile. Yep, our "little" four month old wears clothes for nine month old babies. So much for our last baby being a little, tiny, snuggle bunny. Instead, my arm gets to fall asleep while feeding him and I am already struggling to do airplane with him.
Questions for the check include:
1. Can we start feeding him rice cereal? I ask because he is eternally hungry and can sit up on his own.
2. Why is his left nipple white? (See, he'll love that this is posted for everyone to see one day and you can't deny that you are now curious too.)
3. Will he always have a rash? (He was born rashy and to this day still sports a rash on his face.)
4. Do you think his eyes will be green?
Okay, so the last question is not actually on the list. I have raised my white flag in the battle for a green-eyed baby. Once I figure out how to get pictures on here (patience people, patience) you'll see that his peepers are most definitely blue.
Stay tuned for the answers and maybe, if you are lucky, a photo.
Tomorrow is Baby Emmett's (I will call him Baby Emmett his entire life) four month check. Let me say that again, four month check. Didn't I just shoot that 9lb 10oz baby out? Where did four months go? Anyhoo, we are off to see the pediatrician to see if he is still measuring in the 95th percentile. Yep, our "little" four month old wears clothes for nine month old babies. So much for our last baby being a little, tiny, snuggle bunny. Instead, my arm gets to fall asleep while feeding him and I am already struggling to do airplane with him.
Questions for the check include:
1. Can we start feeding him rice cereal? I ask because he is eternally hungry and can sit up on his own.
2. Why is his left nipple white? (See, he'll love that this is posted for everyone to see one day and you can't deny that you are now curious too.)
3. Will he always have a rash? (He was born rashy and to this day still sports a rash on his face.)
4. Do you think his eyes will be green?
Okay, so the last question is not actually on the list. I have raised my white flag in the battle for a green-eyed baby. Once I figure out how to get pictures on here (patience people, patience) you'll see that his peepers are most definitely blue.
Stay tuned for the answers and maybe, if you are lucky, a photo.
To Blog or Not to Blog
First thing first, I really should have paid more attention to my web design classes in college. I barely made it past the word verification process. Am I already that out of touch with technology? The answer is yes. First I switched to a new non-flip phone and now I started a blog...all in one week. I am really setting myself up for failure. My technology deficit aside, I am excited to finally start this blog. It has been on my mind for months, okay years, but I haven't quite gotten to it for some reason or another. Mainly it was writers block. How does one start an interesting blog? Tough question. So, I decided to just start. There, it's started. Welcome to a dose of my crazy life.
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