Saturday, March 26, 2011

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days.  Today, like most days, I started the day by heading to the gym.  I do this in hopes that some day I will wear jeans again and in part because our gym includes two hours of free child care a day.  (Insert relaxing sigh here.)  I pack up all the kids, their snacks, bottles, cups, diapers, etc., etc. and load them in to the car and drive to the gym.  This process takes an hour, minimum.

I get to the gym, clock in some cardio and head over to the weights because, let's face, I am super buff.  It is at this moment that I see my reflection.  I instantly want to bury my head in the sand, ostrich style.  There I am, in the gym already for an hour, and I have yesterdays water resistant mascara all under my eyes, my hair is going every which way and I have a spit up stain on my shoulder.  I start laughing and lose focus on all things gym related.  At this point I am sure everyone in the gym is on alert cause there is a crazy in the room, me.  What the heck?  In the process of getting three other bodies ready I didn't even glance in the mirror (or brush my teeth for that matter) to make sure I was presentable to the world.  Awesome.  Awesome and gross.  Presentable I was not.

At least it was humorous.

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