Well, the view from my hospital room is stunning. Obviously joking.

I made it up 69 flights of stairs or 1,311 steps. Whew, it was no joke. It was not too bad at first...then I hit the fifth floor and it was carnage. People bent over wheezing, sitting in chairs, pouring water on their heads, etc. That psyched me out. I didn't feel tired. Should I be more tired? Should I take a break? Apparently it only gets worse because each landing had more carnage. A very unique sight indeed. I took breaks now and again because I felt that if I didn't do what everyone else was doing I wouldn't make it to the top. Yes, if everyone jumped off a bridge I would too. Come to find out, it really isn't
that hard. I made it up in 21 minutes 6 seconds. I was aiming for under 30 minutes so I was pleasantly surprised. The biggest challenge was breathing in the hot, humid air...it really burns your lungs. In true Krache style, I am plotting ways to train and cut time for next year. It's a sickness.
All jokes aside, each landing had a photo of someone fighting Leukemia or Lymphoma or someone who lost the fight. Talk about inspiration. Painfully inspiring to know that each step we were taking could help someone help their own fight. A very touching moment in a painfully, well, painful climb. Did I mention it was painful?
You are amazing! And that's not just because of your husband's relentless lectures. You are an inspiration!