Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Best Baby Product E-V-E-R

I have three kids, you know this by now.  I have tried countless baby products over the last four years and  never had something work this effectively (there is that word again.  Jessica-teach me, please!) and fast.  If your baby suffers from eczema, try this:

It worked within an hour, I kid you not.  Baby Emmett's red cheeks are no longer.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!


  1. Funny you should ask... I happen to fight with "effect" and "affect" all the time. Fortunately, effective and affective are more straight forward. "Effective" = gets the job done (stick with this one). "Affective" = refers to emotion or a result of emotion (bipolar is an affective psychiatric condition). Next time, just ask BNK, she's the genius!

  2. I'll try to use it correctly from this point forward. ;)

  3. Me too! Best $8 bottle of lotion I've ever bought!
