Tuesday, March 15, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

First thing first, I really should have paid more attention to my web design classes in college.  I barely made it past the word verification process.  Am I already that out of touch with technology?  The answer is yes.  First I switched to a new non-flip phone and now I started a blog...all in one week.  I am really setting myself up for failure.  My technology deficit aside, I am excited to finally start this blog.  It has been on my mind for months, okay years, but I haven't quite gotten to it for some reason or another.  Mainly it was writers block.  How does one start an interesting blog?  Tough question.  So, I decided to just start.  There, it's started.  Welcome to a dose of my crazy life.


  1. Thanks for finally agreeing to start a blog! I love your family and have been waiting so patiently to stalk them online. Great work, Tam! XXO
