Friday, March 18, 2011

Cherry Blossom

Today I saw my first Cherry Blossom tree in bloom.  These trees make me want to rush home and immediately change from boots to flip flops.  Even if the the rain is pouring and the wind is blowing, I suddenly feel a little bit warmer.  I know that Spring is on it's way!  (Okay, and it usually means that my birthday is nearing.) 

Growing up, our driveway was a huge hill with a grassy lawn up one side.  Going down the lawn were three Cherry Blossom trees.  They were "our" trees.  "Our" being my sisters and me.  The biggest tree was at the top and the bottom tree was the smallest with the middle, well, somewhere in between the two sizes.  :)  The big tree was Melissa's, the middle was mine and the wee one was Nelle's.  I am sure you already figured that out on your own.  I always thought their size was due to our age order but it was probably due to water distribution.  Who knows.  Either way it was always kinda magical.  Long story short, these trees instantly take me back to my childhood and I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Kim "Mimi" BroughtonMarch 28, 2011 at 7:50 AM

    This brings back wonderful memories of your childhood :)
