Wednesday, June 22, 2011

5K. Check.

Done, completed, finished.  I did it!  Completed my first ever 5K on Saturday with a finish time of 30 minutes even.  It was MISERABLE.  Running wasn't hard, it was the rain and rain and more rain.  It poured!  I guess I should have done a practice run in the rain.  I was not ready for it at all.  Water sneaked down my headphones directly in to my ear canal.  Very unpleasant. 

Complaining aside, I was very proud of myself.  I ran the entire race (my biggest fear was having to walk) and didn't finish last.  Goal accomplished.  But, now I have running fever.  Meaning I want to sign up for another race.  I'd like to do another 5K and then start training for a 10K.  I mean, why not?  I would also like to take swim lessons...yes, swim lessons, so I can try a triathlon.  I am terrified of open water but am thinking if I can learn to swim and conquer an open water swim, I can eliminate a fear.  Again, why not?  So, we'll see what I can find as far as my next running adventure.  Let's hope it isn't raining then too.

Pictures?  Where are the pictures for proof?  Well, I am the one behind the camera so I don't have any proof.  I can tell you that I wore a sweet #399 bib and looked like a drowned rat by the end.  Use your imagination.      

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