Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wow, Wow, Wow!

Emmett is talking, a lot.  The problem is, it is his own language.  We have no clue what he is trying to say to us but he is definitely trying his hardest to communicate.  Two things that are coming through loud and clear are, "wow, wow, wow!" and, "yeah."  He loves to find something, anything, and hold it up while saying, "wow, wow, wow!"  It gets louder by the end and is always in threes.  "Yeah," happens at completely random times and is accompanied by a rapid head nod.  I am guessing he is copying us but doesn't have the context down yet.  He still babbles Da Da and Ma Ma but still doesn't associate it with us quite yet.  We are working on it!  He does "kiss" when you say kiss, but be is extra sloppy.

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