Saturday, February 4, 2012

Molar Update

The fun continues!  We, Emmett, is now working on four molars.  Both upper and lower sets.  Poor guy.  He has puffy cheeks (puffier than usual) and swollen eyes from all the crying.  On Thursday I literally carried him around in an invisible front pack.  I could put my arms in the air and he would cling on for dear life.  Cooking dinner with a giant 14-month old attached to you is super fun.  I am so behind on housework it isn't even funny.  I know he is in a great amount of pain and it is only temporary but seriously, grow in you stubborn teeth!


  1. Invisible front pack! I can see it now! Good luck, wish I had some teething words of wisdom for you. I know my day will come.

  2. Have I mentioned lately, Tamara, how much I love, love, love your blog posts?! I would love to see you and your sweet brood next time I'm in the area. Big Hugs to all of you!

  3. Absolutely Laurie! Just let me know when you are up here, we'd love to see you.
