Saturday, February 4, 2012

Red Robinhood

Let me start by saying that we rarely and I mean rarely go out to eat as a family.  I can list a myriad of reasons.  I prefer to eat home cooked meals, we have three wild kids, I think restaurants are crazy overpriced, we have three wild kids, I like to cook, we have three wild kids, we live off one income, and did I mention we have three wild kids?  I think you get my point.  But about every six months or so we suddenly think going out to eat would be F-U-N!  

We give each other reasons why this time it will be fun.  "Emmett no longer needs a bottle so he should be easy!"  "The kids have been acting so grown up lately."  When really we are just feeling lazy and don't want to cook.  Enter Red Robinhood.  You might know Red Robinhood to be plain old Red Robin.  Our family, uhem, Brooklyn, has a unique name for pretty much everything.  This is the same child that to this day calls french fries "somefries" because when she was a wee child we would ask her if she wanted some fries.  Awesome.  Anyhoo, We were out running errands and decided, wait did we decide?  No.  Brooklyn shouted, "RED ROBINHOOD!" as soon as she saw it in the Bed, Bath and Beyond parking lot and that combined with our laziness landed us in a cozy booth for five.  

Brett and I decide to share a chicken sandwich because it took us 15 minutes to order...indicating that we wouldn't really have time to eat while filling three hyper mouths.  Once the order was placed we took time to observe every item hanging from the ceiling, introduce ourselves to our boothmates behind us by shouting BOO into the back of their heads (Jameson) and squawking like an injured seagull (Emmett).  Brooklyn was pretty quiet as she downed her strawberry lemonade.  While this might seem like a recipe for indigestion for most, we actually quite enjoyed ourselves.  The kids were so excited.  Brooklyn even thanked us for taking her to such a fancy restaurant.  Surely all fancy restaurants serve corn dogs.  While we did have a good bout of family fun, we'll probably gather enough gusto for a return trip in about, well, six months.

Fun, we are having fun!

Jameson, the boothmate terrorizer.

A classic shot of Emmett.

Trying to grab, then eat, the camera.

Big boy haircut.

Water from a straw, so fun!

I love strawberry lemonade!


  1. This is classic - I'm so happy to know that my children are not the only ones who enjoy becoming best friends with the people in the next booth!

  2. Love it! We went a few times this month (for my free bday burger and to meet up with some friends who were in town), but I think we've reached that point where we'll have to say goodbye to any and all restaurants for a few years. Maeve was so squirmy and pissed we wouldn't let her out of her high chair. So long dining in, hello takeout. =)
