Monday, April 18, 2011

Sneaky Diapered Thief

Last Thursday, I made an angel food cake.  What?  It's fat free therefore it is totally acceptable for my healthy eating plan. Fine, it's not healthy at all but I am weaning myself from sugar.  i.e. I keep sugar in the center console of my car instead of in the house so if I want it I have to go outside, in the rain, to get it.  It is working so far.  Be right back, I need to run to the car.  Man, I'm funny. 

Back to my story.  Made the cake only to witness this the next morning:

Hasn't caught on that I have caught him.

Oops, I'm caught.

I don't care because it's delicious!
 So, we had angel food cake for breakfast.  Mmmm.


  1. I can't imagine you with NO sugar! That's just not the Tamara I know, especially around this time of year. PEEPS!

  2. I know, I have eaten a row or two of Peeps. I suck at not eating sugar...
