Monday, October 3, 2011

Potty Training, Take Two

Potty training Brooklyn was by far the HARDEST parenting test that I have gone through to date.  I can't say that Brett feels the same so this is just from me, hence the "I".  It just stressed me out.  Who I am I kidding, we are still struggling with it.  Ugh.  Thankfully, according to Brett's Mom, Brett was very similar and I am happy to report that he is now fully potty trained.  So, I won't give up hope and have "let that balloon go" so to speak.

Turn the page to Jameson.  I just kept putting it off and off and off.  There was always some excuse.  Sorry Jameson.  Enter October 3rd.  I ask him if he wants to try going on the potty.  His response, "sure."  So, we try it.  Immediate success.  He literally waves good-bye to diapers as he passes them leaving the bathroom and is potty trained.  I was told that boys were impossible to train so I was having recurring nightmares about even starting the process.  Simplicity.  Maybe it just happened to be perfect timing.  Who knows.  He's had accidents here and there but when he had an accident while were out of the house he was so embarrassed and REFUSED to wear a diaper.  Pretty sure those are both good signs. 

I literally just let out a deep sigh of relief.  Join me in celebrating, we are a one diapered buns household.  I am so proud of him and hope he continues to prove me wrong...potty training is possible!

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